Congress Weekly-October 13th

Written by Hao Chen He

At this week’s Congress meeting, a small update was brought up regarding the party organized by the MSU’s Social Activity Committee. It will be held at a new loft located in Downtown, provided by Loft Central Aspaces. The party will be held on November 4th and tickets will cost 30$ each. There will also be an open bar.

Next, regarding the restaurant coupons presented by David Cao, Coordinator of External Affairs, letters have been sent to restaurants such as Mandy’s, Rejuice Nutrition, Chicha, and The Standard. The only thing left to do is to wait for their responses. There seems to be an interest on the managers’ side and we hope that these coupons will soon be available for Marianopolis students! The installation of an STM station at school, however, appears to be an idea that will be abandoned as there seems to be a lack of cooperation on STM’s side, rendering the project too complicated to pursue.

Halloween is approaching! Meghan Couture, Coordinator of Charities and Volunteering, will be bringing cotton candy to school! She is planning on providing two main colors–black and orange cotton candy–to match this holiday’s spooky spirit! All the profits made will go to the Children’s Hospital. Volunteers will be very much appreciated for this event. She is also interested in organizing a drag ball for the LGBTQ+ community with the profits going to charity once again. Silver Key has a desire to organize a haunted house at the college and invite a face painter, but these plans are yet to be confirmed. Habitat for Humanity is also interested in creating an alcove and doing photoshoots during the day to capture your costumes.

Note the week of October 23rd to October 27th in your agendas, because it is the Mental Health Week! There will be many soothing and amusing activities, such as glow in the dark yoga, self-care selfies, post-it notes with words of encouragement, and guided meditation sessions. There might also be a tea session provided by David’s Tea to keep you zen. The Marianopolis First Aid Team and will be organizing activities as well, so there is a lot to look forward to! The counselors will be conducting depression screening during the week, so drop by their offices (A-110, A-112, and A-114) if you have not been feeling your best these days; they will be more than glad to lend you their ears. Until then, keep calm and enjoy your week!