Congress Weekly: Happiness Day, Prom, and Election Week

Crushed by midterms, Congress members kept this week’s meeting short and sweet.

Carnival Day

Maria is hosting Carnival Day in collaboration with several clubs on Tuesday, March 21st AP! It will take place in the student lounge and students will buy carnival tickets to play games that clubs will be running. Half of the profits will go to Chez Doris, a local women’s shelter, and the other half will support Marianopolis clubs.

Talent Show

David and Cindy have hosted auditions this week. The venue and ticket prices have yet to be decided.

Earth Week

Earth Week is coming up! David has prepared activities for the week of April 17th. He will give Congress and the Blitz more details about the date and place next week.

Happiness day

Jamie-Ly invites students to twin with their friends on International Happiness Day (Monday, March 20th). International Happiness Day is an event organized by the United Nations and the Action for Happiness nonprofit. The day’s purpose is to promote the idea that happiness is a fundamental human right. The United Nations hopes to encourage governments, organizations, and individuals to take steps to improve the well-being of people worldwide.


Jamie-Ly needs student advice: should a prom be held this year? A survey will be organized and she will decide depending on student response.

End-of-year celebration

An end-of-year celebration will be held during an AP in May, outdoors. The college will offer students free food, inflatable games, and many more activities. Of course, the farm animals will be back as well. Students will be able to pet alpacas, sheep, and bunnies.


Jamie-Ly has organized two karaoke sessions for the month of April. Mark your calendar! Tuesday, the 4th and Thursday, the 13th of April. The second one will be Latino-themed.


Election week is coming up soon! Three slates are running. Look out for posters on the week of April 3rd.

Valorant Tournament

During spring break, Sunny organized an intra-mural Valorant tournament. The stream had amassed 161 viewers, and the replay got 450 views. Congrats to the winners, R-Score Demons. The Blitz wishes them good luck for their intercollegiate tournament.

Updates on Bill 96

The bill, now Law 14, will affect incoming students of anglophone CEGEPs. Cindy, and External Affairs Coordinators from Dawson, Vanier, John Abbott, and Champlain have written a letter, advocating for students. They hope to publish it in a local newspaper to bring awareness.