Congress Weekly: Karaoke, Orange Shirt Day, and Mega Bake Sale for Halloween

On Friday, September 22, Congress met as usual to discuss club-related initiatives and upcoming events relevant to the student body.

Club List Finalized

Congress finally completed the list of all registered Marianopolis clubs. MSU members also expressed the desire to endorse clubs that contribute in a way or another to the greater well-being of the school.


The MSU will meet with student union members of other anglophone CÉGEPs across Quebec at the CASAQ general assembly that will take place on Friday, October 13th at John Abbott College.

Orange Shirt Day

On Thursday, during AP, Congress will be selling donuts that students can get by paying any amount of donation. The proceeds will be donated to the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal. Additionally, Indigenous students are going to play music on the speakers in the student lounge, where a shirt painting activity will take place as well.


Today, still during AP, there is a karaoke activity in the student lounge. Students can come on stage to sing the lyrics of various songs as long as they are appropriate for school.

Mega Bake Sale for Halloween

A carnival-style mega bake sale has been discussed among Congress members, but the specifics have not yet been determined. The current plan is the following: clubs are going to bring their baked goods, and students will be able to buy tickets. They could then “purchase” baked goods by exchanging them for a certain amount of tickets (which would vary depending on the food item). All the tickets collected by each club would be counted at the end of the mega bake sale to determine how much money each club would get. This idea is still in the works, so stay tuned for upcoming details!