Congress Weekly… And Questions with the Academic Dean!

After an eventful photoshoot, Congress began their weekly meeting with a very special guest: Eric Lozowy, the College’s Academic Dean! On top of discussing upcoming activities and events, Congress was able to ask the Dean a multitude of questions involving student interests and share their insight on the necessary improvements to the College.

General Updates

Currently, members of Congress are finishing the elaboration of their committees and the selection of their members. Rejection letters will be sent out by the Administrative Assistant. 

The Bi-Annual General Assembly (whose attendance is mandatory for each club) is coming up, but its specific date has yet to be determined. More details to come. 

The Marianopolis Volunteering Network is being considered for an update by the end of this semester. The update will involve converting the MVN into a website and have various listings that members of the MSU can consult and apply for. The update plans to add listings for internship and research opportunities while allowing clubs to add their own. Specifics are currently being discussed.

Upcoming Activities

This Friday (October 13): Breast Cancer Awareness Day

  • Pink ribbons have been prepared and will be distributed for Breast Cancer Awareness Day!

Week of October 16: Waste Reduction Week

  • In collaboration with the Environmental Studies Certificate, activities pertaining to waste reduction will be held on the week of October 16th. Expect activities and stands at the alcoves on the 17th and 19th!

October 21: Networking Event organized by YAHPA

  • The Young Asian Health Professionals Association is organizing a networking event on October 21 and has reached out to Congress’ Coordinator of External Affairs. More details to follow.

Budding Initiatives

Activities still under preparation and future opportunities without confirmed dates:

  • A Native Women’s Shelter fundraiser organized by the Coordinator of Communications in collaboration with different clubs. It may be accompanied by an art exposition on top of a clothing and book drive for an Indigenous shelter. Details are in discussion.
  • Breakfast with Youth organized by the Montreal Children’s Hospital
  • A symposium for law students at UdeM 
  • A waste water analysis lab project prepared by the Marianopolis Research Team in collaboration with the Coordinator of Social Justice

Questions with the Academic Dean

To facilitate reading, questions have been grouped by topic and answers have been summarized:

Demons’ competitions and trophies

Why are there no trophies adorning the College’s walls and little promotion for sports teams’ events? According to the Academic Dean, though the College pushes for excellence in the subject, athletics has never been the focus of the school. Moreover, the Dean shared that the College has a long tradition of not highlighting personal achievements in order to further promote collective growth. As such, despite sports teams achievements being the center of many CEGEPs’ community spirit, it is not the case at Marianopolis.

Complaints about teachers

Historically, complaints against teachers have been resolved at the level of the chair of each department. However, the IPESA does allow students to write official complaints to the Academic Dean. For academic complaints, the Dean suggests first bringing it up to the teacher, then to the chair of the concerned department or the Associate Dean, and, finally, if necessary, to formally address them to the Academic Dean through a signed letter. If the complaint revolves around inappropriate behavior, the Dean encourages it to be signaled immediately and for students to go see Amanda Guay, the College social worker.

Study Space below the Library (and other rooms)

After countless pushbacks, the Study Space below the Library is almost ready for its grand opening with only finishing touches left! From the Academic Dean and Leticia’s description, the new Study Space includes seats integrated into bookshelves and more. Moreover, Leticia, the head of Student Affairs, noted that some rooms are currently being adapted in order to offer better study environments for students and board games have been added to the room commonly referred to as the “Asian Lounge” among students.

Expanding the School (and Parking)

Discussions have been initiated for the College to purchase the land on which it stands from the congregation. If they succeed, the College will be able to expand and renovate as needed. However, since la Charte de la langue française restricts the size of English CEGEP student bodies, expansion may prove limited. Concerning parking, there are no current plans to expand it out of environmental concern, but Leticia will consider prioritizing the distribution of parking spots for carpooling students though that is to be determined.

Student-led initiatives

With the talk shifting to Truth and Reconciliation, the Academic Dean hopes to see a long-lasting project led by students concerning it and the Marguerite Bourgeoys statue next to the library. This project can be similar to the paper cranes found in the library which also stemmed from student initiative.