Congress Weekly: End-of-Year Party, New Coordinators and General Assembly

With a next year’s chosen team auditing meetings for the first time, Congress members announced their plans for the end of the school year!

End-of-Year Party! – As a result of student opinions gathered by a recent survey, the current Coordinator of  Social Activities Jamie-Ly has confirmed that an End-of-Year Party will be held after finals season. She is currently in search of a venue, a specific date and time should be announced soon, stay tuned for more updates! 

Kahnawake Peacekeeper Guest-Speaker update – Congress members have voted in favor of sponsoring the guest speaker event in collaboration with the Indigenous Studies Certificate. Matthew, Coordinator of Social Justice, has confirmed that the school should be welcoming Kahnawake Peacekeeper Dwayne Zacharie during Tuesday AP (April 25th)  in the coming week. 

Tamil Genocide Remembrance Day – Matthew confirmed that Congress will be hosting a fundraiser event in remembrance of the Tamil Genocide in the first week of May. Students are invited to participate and raise awareness, stickers and pins will be available in the alcove.  

Psychological Harassment Policy Review – Congress announced that the Director General will be reviewing the School’s Psychological Harassment Policy. Congress will possibly be sending out a survey gathering student opinions on possible reforms sometime in May. 

You can read more about the College’s policies here:

Comité pour la langue Française – Max, current President has announced that Andrew (current Coordinator of Cultural Affairs and future Vice President) will be appointed to represent Congress in the College’s Comité pour la langue Française in the coming school year. 

New Intercollegiate Alliance – Two weeks ago, Cindy, Coordinator of External Affairs, and Luc, Vice President, attended a Summit involving a variety of Cegep student governments. Cindy announced that a new Alliance named the ACC has been formed between 15 different Colleges. This will lead to future networking events soon to be announced!

General Assembly – Congress announced that they will be holding a General Assembly next Thursday (April 27th) during AP. This will involve propositions on reforms to the current Constitution. 

The MariNewsBlitz would like to congratulate the appointed team for the 2023-2024 mandate! Huge congrats to Zi Heng Wang (Future Vice-President of Finance), Rebecca Li (Future Coordinator of Communications), Wendi Liu (Future Coordinator of Social Activities), David Ji (Future Coordinator of Social Justice), and Matthew Jin (Future Coordinator of Student Advocacy)!