Diary of a MUNchkin at SSUNs

MUN kids are often viewed as theatre kids dressed in suits. But what does a model United Nations conference really entail? This article records our first conference of this school year: McGill’s Secondary School Symposium (SSUNS.)

Thursday November 9

The conference began with guest speaker Isabelle Hudon, president of the Business of Development of the Bank of Canada, who was appreciated by everyone for her inspiration and ambition. The conference that night ended late and allowed for socializing with kids from various schools. It also permitted us to recite our opening speeches, which stated our country’s stances and some possible solutions to the problems to be addressed in committees, such as providing adequate maternal healthcare to vulnerable women in rural regions.

Friday November 10

Friday’s conference lasted all afternoon, punctuated with the mandatory Starbucks run, but the Sheraton Starbucks was always full with delegates (a special mention goes to all the delegates who waited in line to buy their colleagues their drinks; thanks Katie!) Seasoned delegates know, however, that the smartest tactic is to use the mobile order feature or to go to the Starbucks in front of the arena, which is always less crowded.

Friday is usually the day blocs form, so it is imperative to start brainstorming for solutions, writing clauses covering different topics and debating a bloc’s merit, punctuated by Taylor Swift and Barbie references or the ever used: “there’s black tea, there’s green tea, but most importantly there’s securi/equali/uni-ty.”

The conference ended late, around 9:30, and since many Mari delegates had had exams the whole week, many went home straight away to catch up on a few hours of precious sleep, or to finish the project due that same night.

Saturday November 11

Saturday was a very important day, as it marked Remembrance Day, a day to honour Canadian veterans who honoured peace. Committees were interrupted to allow for a minute of silence to honour our fellow heroes, which this delegate very much appreciated.

Committee continued the whole day, resolution papers were passed to ensure that pregnant women have adequate care, Luis Da Silva’s cabinet represented the economic needs of the Brazilian population, and the Canadian Hockey federation passed policies to ensure that it is open and welcoming to all genders. Saturday was a very productive day filled with resolution papers passing, venti Ventis, and roses from fellow delegates (always a lovely sentiment.) To end the day, some delegates went out for dinner, others attended the delegate gala, and a few walked aimlessly downtown.

Sunday November 12

Sunday started far too early, but since it was only an hour and a half of FUN MUN (which basically allows for other delegates to mingle through games, such as superlatives) it was worth it. After a quick brunch with delegates, the award ceremony took place. Our very own Nancy won Marianopolis’ award for the Ad-Hoc committee, and we are all very proud of her!

As the MariMUN saying goes: MUN is fun, but when it’s done, tears will run. In this case, SSUNS was fun, and now that it is done, tears haven’t had time to run, since off we go to study for finals and the next conference: McMUN (McGill’s University-level conference.)